
Every month

Monthly membership to explore your healing with support and guidance. We use a variety of modalities so you can dive deeper into love with yourself, strengthen your self worth, shift limiting beliefs, and rewrite old narratives so you can create and embody the life you've been dreaming about. Your liberation lies on the other side of nourishing your nervous system.

✓ Library of practices
✓ New content uploaded weekly
✓ Downloadable resources
✓ Discounts on 1-1 & other offers

What you get:

Together we explore practices like:

  • Breath Work

  • EFT Tapping

  • Somatic work

  • Journaling

  • Meditation/Visualization

  • Movement

Every week you are given:

  • new opportunities to explore your healing

  • an affirmation, an invitation, a prompt and a practice

The intention of this space is to support you with:

  • nourishing your nervous system

  • diving deeper into self love, self worth, self acceptance

  • creating more capacity, safety and deep trust within

  • shifting limiting beliefs

  • rewriting old narratives

  • building a strong foundation within yourself

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